Singing Guide: Matt Redman feat. Kierra Sheard

Singing Guide: Matt Redman feat. Kierra Sheard

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like Matt Redman feat. Kierra Sheard

is a great way to explore gospel and contemporary Christian music. The combination of Sheard’s soulful, powerful voice and Redman’s emotive songwriting sets the stage for an uplifting worship experience.

Firstly, it's important to understand the vocal technique of Matt Redman and Kierra Sheard. Both singers use a mix of chest voice, head voice, and falsetto to create a dynamic vocal range. They also use harmonies and call-and-response techniques to create a rich, layered sound.

To start, it's helpful to work on breath support and posture, which are key to achieving a powerful sound. Check out Singing Carrots' breathing basics and how posture affects your singing articles for some great tips. Once you have the basics down, spend some time working on your chest voice and head voice to develop your range. Singing Comfort Zone is a great video to start with.

Next, it's important to practice good articulation to give your singing clarity and precision. Check out the Finger Bite exercise to help with this. You can also work on your vibrato by practicing the Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce exercises.

Now that you have the basic techniques down, it's time to start practicing some songs. One of Matt Redman and Kierra Sheard’s most popular collaborations is titled “Heart of Worship / Here I Am to Worship.” This song showcases both singers’ vocals as well as their ability to harmonize and play off of each other. It's a great song to learn and practice for any worship setting.

Another great song to learn is "Do it Again." This is a song with a catchy melody, dynamic range, and a powerful message. It's a great way to showcase your vocal control and range.

Finally, to keep improving, try Singing Carrots’ pitch accuracy test, vocal range test, and vocal pitch monitor. These tools will help you evaluate your progress and give you targeted feedback on your singing.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Matt Redman feat. Kierra Sheard is a wonderful way to explore contemporary Christian and gospel music. It's an opportunity to develop your vocal skills and express your faith through song. Incorporate Singing Carrots resources into your practice to get the most out of it and track your progress.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.